Thursday 1 June 2023

Student's Review: Gaurav Karn

A student giving heartfelt testimonial about his grade 12 accounts teacher by giving all the credit for his learning to his teacher.
I appreciate Rajendra Maharjan sir, because he not only teaches accountancy, but also teaches the practical application of accounting in our daily lives. He enables students to clarify and understand theories and concepts in his own way. The teaching method and the behavior of our teacher towards me are very good. Due to his friendly behavior, accounting has never become a source of stress for me. His teaching style sparks my curiosity for accounting.

He always used to say, "Accounting is used in our daily life, even in small or big work/business. We need to develop proper time and financial management skills from an early age."

If there is one person who deserves all the credit for my good performance in accounts, it is Rajendra sir. There were times when I felt that accounting was not my cup of tea, but then you came and changed this notion I had. The success of a student largely depends on the efforts of a teacher, and therefore, I dedicate my success to you.

Thank you so much, sir.

Gaurav Karn
Arniko Int'l SS & College, 2022-23
June 02, 2023

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